Enjoy these videos now.
Enjoy these videos now.
Mark called to give me the URL to their website. Visit Mark, Jeff and their families at their own website, Team 23.
This is the snowmachine that they will be racing - Yamaha Nytro RTX.
Both teams Doug's Synthetic Lubricants will be sponsoring are leaving nearly at the same time! Team 21 got 11th position at the Start Line and right after them will be Mark Niver and Jeff Whitstine in 12th. Mark and Jeff are two guys I've known from my job on the North Slope.
Mark and Jeff will be using AMSOIL's Formula 4-Stroke® PowerSports
0W-40 Synthetic Motor Oil
and also AMSOIL's Synthetic Water Resistant Lithium Complex Grease.
The Iron Dog's Starting line on Sunday February 10th is coming fast and I am stoked for watching how well these guys will be doing on the trail.
Good luck guys!
I set up a table and displayed some AMSOIL products. Last year and this year I sold the most Sno-go toys - more than anything else! Sold out actually! (You know those kids got a lot of clout with Dad and Mom.) The picture below shows Kaylynn working on her toy snow machine. This little toy comes with a few tools to take off the skiis and then put them on again. She was busy for hours! Good job Kaylynn.
I am sponsoring a snowmachine team this year! Team 21, Randy and Dave, two guys from Big Lake where we live, thats how my wife and I decided to sponsor them. Read more about them at the Iron Dog website. We are expecting to see excellent and fast riding guys!
I am sponsoring them with AMSOIL's Dominator Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil for both of their machines. They will be racing 1,971 miles from Big Lake to Nome then back down to Fairbanks!
Go to my AMSOIL Dealer Site: Doug's Synthetic Lubricants to purchase AMSOIL products. If you become a Preferred Customer you can purchase at wholesale prices. You can also Contact me via email for more information.
I am looking forward to the beginning of the race on Sunday and anticipating a great race from Dave and Randy too.
If you have any questions
EMAIL ME or call: 907-440-6954.